Wednesday 13 June 2012

Chilly Bungers

It's cold here in Bungendore. Our fire has not been out since May. Sure there's plenty of colder places on Earth, in Australia even, but for me ice in puddles and frost so thick it looks like snow is still a novelty.
The poor mint, still in ice at 3 in the afternoon.

I wish I had remembered the camera last week because it was the most spectacularly beautiful morning I can ever recall seeing in this little town. And we were so late for school because every icy puddle had to be cracked and lifted and examined...and then smashed. So much looking and exploring and laughing (because throwing bits of ice and having it smash all over the ground is hilarious in that delicious 'this might be naughty' kind of way).

We can walk a couple of slightly different ways to school but the favourite is usually across the paddocky bit and through (yes literally through) the creek and under the bridge. Often the creek is empty but since at least March there has been a steady flow of ankle deep water running under the bridge. Generally Henry scrambles up the steep concrete slope at the side as I carry Milly in my arms and trudge through the water and mud in my gumboots. I wear gumboots a lot. Sometimes I have even pushed the pram through provided the basket underneath clears the wet.

I did remember to bring the camera for the walk home later in the afternoon, and it's still pretty, but you'll have to take my word for it that the morning was amazing.

Henry is a little worn out here from doing rolly-pollies down the hill behind us.


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